Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Thankfulness in Action

Being thankful this year may be harder than usual. The economy is dismal, our country is fighting in two countries, and Hope seems like a campaign slogan. Yet, the Bible tells us to be thankful in (not "for") all things (1Thessalonians 5:17). Sometimes actions speak louder than words. 

My friend Tina recently sent me an article by Anne Lamott, who, as my friend reminds me, "sometimes goes a little near the edge."  BUT, if you're feeling a little less than thankful this year, try some of Anne's suggestions. I guarantee they'll restore your hope!

Anne writes: 
  • Call the loneliest person you know. 
  • Go flirt with the oldest person at the bookstore.
  • Fill up a box with really cool clothes that you haven't worn in a year, and take it to a thrift shop. 
  • Take gray water outside and water whatever is growing on your deck. 
  • Drink more fluids. 
  • And take very gentle care of yourself and the people you most love: We need you now more than ever.
Try it -- you'll thank me!  ☺

Check out http://blessedtobelieve.blogspot.com for daily holiday devotionals.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Prayer and Pledge for Real Change

Below is a letter written by Jim Wallis of Sojourners Magazine pledging support and prayers for real change in America. As faithful followers of Christ, we cannot expect our leaders to "do it all." We must be committed to taking active responsibility for our role in bringing the Kingdom Come. What are the principles, purposes, and people we are committed to? Let's make a pledge to do our part, even while praying for our new President and the hope for America.

Dear Mr. President-elect Obama:

I want personally to offer you my prayers as you embark on the enormous challenge of leading our country in a time of great crisis and crossroads. While our ultimate hope is our faith in God, we also have high hopes for your administration.

I am one member of a growing movement of Christians and people of faith who support a broad moral agenda that includes a deep concern for poverty, peacemaking, a consistent ethic of life, and care for creation. During the campaign, you said that, if elected, you would face powerful special interests trying to block change. You said you would need a citizen movement to support and push you.

Today, I am pledging to be part of that movement. It will be a movement that will both pray for you and hold you accountable to the things you promised. So I urge you to give high priority to:

Overcome poverty, both here in our rich nation and globally. Your efforts to resolve the economic crisis must include those at the bottom, the poorest among us. You pledged during the campaign to mobilize the nation to cut domestic poverty in half in ten years and to implement the Millennium Development Goals to cut extreme global poverty in half.

Find better ways than war to resolve the inevitable conflicts in the world. It is time to end the war in Iraq and emphasize diplomacy over military action in resolving problems in Iran and Afghanistan. We need better and smarter foreign policy that is more consistent with our best national values.

Promote a consistent ethic of life that addresses all threats to life and dignity. We must end genocide in Darfur, the use of torture, and the death penalty. I urge you to pursue common ground policies which can dramatically reduce abortions in America, and help bring us together on this divisive issue.

Reverse the effects of climate change on God’s creation. We must learn a new way of living in America to end our dangerous dependence on Middle East oil. We need a spiritual commitment to stewardship and national policies that promote safe, clean, and renewable energy. You spoke of job creation and economic renewal with a new “green economy.”

We need your presidential leadership for this type of societal transformation, but I promise also to do my part.

I will pray for you as you assume the awesome responsibility of leading our nation. To be the best president you can be, you will need both the support and the push of the faith community. I pledge to help build the movement that will keep your administration accountable and faithful.


Monday, November 3, 2008


I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings [and Presidents!] and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.  1 Timothy 2:1-4

GO VOTE!! Vote your conscience. Vote your commitments. Vote righteously! And above all, know that although we have the privilege and responsibility of electing our country's leaders and direction, in the end, our hope is in the Lord!

No matter if your "guy (or gal)" is elected or not; if your proposition passes or fails, God is the One we turn to first, foremost, and with utter confidence and assurance that He is faithful to all of His Promises! So, let's not allow the election results to cause divisiveness, contentiousness, or hopelessness to seep into to our minds, hearts, relationships, or communities. Let's use the results as the way to live and guide each other into God's Plans and Purposes. And let's remember to encourage each other to pray for our Leaders, our Country, and our voice as Americans.

Go VOTE -- (and don't forget that Starbucks is offering a free coffee to those who cast their ballot today!)

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We’ve seen the debates. Heard the phone messages. Read the emails. All that is left is to cast our ballot. Before we fill in that blank, let’s take one more moment to stop, reflect, and pray.

Scripture shows us that the people will not only suffer the consequences of unwise leadership but will also be held responsible and accountable for the quality of their Leaders. So before we vote for the next President of the United States, let's consider God’s job description for leaders. Our leaders are to:
  • Seek justice, encourage the oppressed. Defend the cause of the fatherless, plead the case of the widow. Isaiah 1:17
  • Take care of the people; strengthen the weak and heal the sick, bind up the injured; bring back the strays and search for the lost. See Ezekiel 34:3-4
  • Administer true justice; show mercy and compassion to one another. Do not oppress the widow or the fatherless, the foreigner or the poor. Do not plot evil against each other. Zechariah 7:9-10
The next American President will change history. Will America progress its own agenda, or God’s purposes? We have the power to decide!

Lord, guide our hearts and minds as we decide who will receive our vote. Bless this country with YOUR leadership! Amen

About Me

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Robyn Henk, author of B.L.E.S.S.E.D, discovering God’s bigger dream for you, wife of 38 years, mother of six grown children, and grandmother of three. The experience of God’s gracious love and provision in her life has led to her passion of bringing women into deeper intimacy with God, and fuller understanding of God’s love and providence for their lives. She has attended classes in Theology and Christian Ministry at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, as well as researching The Geographic and Archeological History of the Bible in Israel and Rome, with Azusa Pacific University. Robyn has spoken on three continents and developed and spoke at the Women of Purpose Conference in Kiev, Ukraine; Kitale, Kenya; and to the Lakota and Dine’ First Nations in America. She has also taught Spiritual Disciplines, Parenting, Christian Leadership for Women, and Teaching for Significance clinics.