Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Advent Day 6 (December 6)

Look! The virgin will conceive a child! She will give birth to a son and will call him Immanuel--'God is with us.' Isaiah 7:14

The prophecy concerning the Messiah was cloaked in impossibility. A virgin, conceiving a child? How is that possible? Only those who were looking for the impossible would be able to truly accept and receive this miracle. In today’s world, with all of our scientific advancements and “evidences” our belief in the impossible has ironically diminished and all but disappeared. Ironic, because what is mundanely everyday in our lives today was absolutely impossible only decades ago. Telephones, TV, air travel, space travel. Strangely, we attribute this all to mankind – our own inventiveness. Could it be that far from “inventing new things” we are only uncovering the incredible imaginative uses of God’s commodities?

The miracle of a virgin birth is coupled with the miracle of His name, Immanuel -- “God is with us.” That God would come in human form to walk this life with us was impossibility! But it’s true! What impossibility of God’s presence are you looking for today? Don’t miss it! The impossible is God’s specialty, and here, “with us” is where He loves to do it!

Dear Lord, you are the inventor of “impossibilities.” Open my eyes to see the impossible happening all around me today. Give me a sense of wonder as I go through this day with you. Amen

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About Me

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Robyn Henk, author of B.L.E.S.S.E.D, discovering God’s bigger dream for you, wife of 38 years, mother of six grown children, and grandmother of three. The experience of God’s gracious love and provision in her life has led to her passion of bringing women into deeper intimacy with God, and fuller understanding of God’s love and providence for their lives. She has attended classes in Theology and Christian Ministry at Golden Gate Baptist Seminary, as well as researching The Geographic and Archeological History of the Bible in Israel and Rome, with Azusa Pacific University. Robyn has spoken on three continents and developed and spoke at the Women of Purpose Conference in Kiev, Ukraine; Kitale, Kenya; and to the Lakota and Dine’ First Nations in America. She has also taught Spiritual Disciplines, Parenting, Christian Leadership for Women, and Teaching for Significance clinics.